She dances and cuts up with the others and you sit around and dream or else chat quietly with others."

"Yes Pat, you're right." Jan smiled. "But not for the reason you think," she murmured dreamily. "It's because wo've found another kind of love."

"Another kind of love!" Pat exclaimed.

"What other kind

are you talking about?" she asked skeptically.

"Well mybe not another kind so much as we have found an expansion an extension, of our physical love. A lovo

that is so much more than we had before that it another kind."

seems like

Jan was silent so long that Pat finally prompted, "You were saying Jan, another kind of love..."

"Yes," Jan said, rousing herself. "Well, we had ren ohe d the point of boredom I was speaking of before. We agreed


we had many things in common, a home, many mutually owne d materi al things but they didn't seem to be enough. Wo decided that we were fairly intelligent women so perhaps it would be wise of us to find out what love really was beyond mere physical attraction. So we found everything wo could that had been written on the subject and we made a wonderful discovery, Pat! So wonderful and so simple that I'm surprised it took us so long to find out!"

"Yes, and what was this wonderful discovery of yours?" Pat asked sarcastically.

"Just that love is everywhere, Pat dear. We are only the channels thru which it flows. The secret of keeping the flow abundant is not to misuse it. It demands of us courtesy to the other, a conscious sooking of the things to make another happy. Notice I said conscious, Pat. When we first meet and fall in love, all our acts are unconscious, underlaid with the thrill of discovery, with the desire to make our loved one happy and to look well in her eye 8. As time goes on we no longer make the effort, things settle down more or less to the mundane problems of living and we think we are no longer in love. Now when we make a conscious effort for the first time we really see our lovO